Photon Voice v2.58

DeviceInfo Member List

This is the complete list of members for DeviceInfo, including all inherited members.

Default (defined in DeviceInfo)DeviceInfostatic
DeviceInfo(int id, string name, DeviceFeatures features=null) (defined in DeviceInfo)DeviceInfo
DeviceInfo(string id, string name, DeviceFeatures features=null) (defined in DeviceInfo)DeviceInfo
DeviceInfo(string name, DeviceFeatures features=null) (defined in DeviceInfo)DeviceInfo
Equals(object obj) (defined in DeviceInfo)DeviceInfo
Features (defined in DeviceInfo)DeviceInfo
features (defined in DeviceInfo)DeviceInfo
GetHashCode() (defined in DeviceInfo)DeviceInfo
IDInt (defined in DeviceInfo)DeviceInfo
IDString (defined in DeviceInfo)DeviceInfo
IsDefault (defined in DeviceInfo)DeviceInfo
Name (defined in DeviceInfo)DeviceInfo
operator!=(DeviceInfo d1, DeviceInfo d2) (defined in DeviceInfo)DeviceInfostatic
operator==(DeviceInfo d1, DeviceInfo d2) (defined in DeviceInfo)DeviceInfostatic
ToString() (defined in DeviceInfo)DeviceInfo