This is the complete list of members for Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame, including all inherited members.
ActiveActors | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | protected |
ActorEventCache | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | |
ActorsManager | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | |
AddExpectedUsers(JoinGameRequest joinRequest) | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | inlineprotectedvirtual |
BeforeRemoveFromCache() | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inlinevirtual |
Photon::Hive::Plugin::IPluginHost.BroadcastErrorInfoEvent(string message, SendParameters sendParameters=new SendParameters()) | Photon.Hive.Plugin.IPluginHost | |
Photon::Hive::Plugin::IPluginHost.BroadcastErrorInfoEvent(string message, ICallInfo info, SendParameters sendParameters=new SendParameters()) | Photon.Hive.Plugin.IPluginHost | |
Photon::Hive::Plugin::IPluginHost.BroadcastEvent(IList< int > recieverActors, int senderActor, byte evCode, Dictionary< byte, object > data, byte cacheOp, SendParameters sendParameters=new SendParameters()) | Photon.Hive.Plugin.IPluginHost | |
Photon::Hive::Plugin::IPluginHost.BroadcastEvent(byte target, int senderActor, byte targetGroup, byte evCode, Dictionary< byte, object > data, byte cacheOp, SendParameters sendParameters=new SendParameters()) | Photon.Hive.Plugin.IPluginHost | |
CacheDiscarded | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | |
callEnv | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | protected |
CheckTotalPropertiesSize(SetPropertiesRequest setPropertiesRequest) | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | inlineprotected |
CheckUserOnJoin | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | |
CleanupActor(Actor actor) | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | inlineprotectedvirtual |
CreateGame(HivePeer peer, JoinGameRequest request, SendParameters sendParameters) | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | inlineprotected |
DeactivateActor(Actor actor) | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | inlineprotectedvirtual |
DeleteCacheOnLeave | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | |
Dispose(bool dispose) | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inlineprotectedvirtual |
Photon::Hive::HiveGame.Dispose() | Photon.Hive.Room | inline |
EmptyRoomLiveTime | Photon.Hive.Room | |
EmptyStringArray | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | protectedstatic |
EnqueueMessage(IMessage message) | Photon.Hive.Room | inline |
EnqueueOperation(HivePeer peer, Operation operationRequest, SendParameters sendParameters) | Photon.Hive.Room | inline |
Environment | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | |
EventCache | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | |
ExecuteCacheOperation(CacheOp operation, out string errorMsg) | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inline |
ExecuteOperation(HivePeer peer, Operation operation, SendParameters sendParameters) | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | inlineprotectedvirtual |
FailedOnCreate | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | protected |
gameAppCounters | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | protected |
GameAppCounters | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | |
gameStateFactory | Photon.Hive.Room | protected |
GetActorByPeer(HivePeer peer) | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | inlineprotected |
GetCallStack() | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inlineprotectedstatic |
GetGameState() | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inline |
GetGameStateAsByteArray() | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inline |
GetLobbyGameProperties(Hashtable source) | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | inlineprotected |
GetSerializableGameState() | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inline |
GetUserJoinResponse(JoinGameRequest joinRequest, Actor actor, ProcessJoinParams prms) | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inlineprotectedvirtual |
GroupManager | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | protected |
HandleChangeGroupsOperation(HivePeer peer, ChangeGroups changeGroupsRequest, SendParameters sendParameters) | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | inlineprotectedvirtual |
HandleCreateGameOperation(HivePeer peer, SendParameters sendParameters, JoinGameRequest createGameRequest) | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inlineprotectedvirtual |
HandleDebugGameOperation(HivePeer peer, DebugGameRequest request, SendParameters sendParameters) | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | inlineprotectedvirtual |
HandleGetPropertiesOperation(HivePeer peer, GetPropertiesRequest getPropertiesRequest, SendParameters sendParameters) | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | inlineprotectedvirtual |
HandleJoinGameOperation(HivePeer peer, SendParameters sendParameters, JoinGameRequest joinGameRequest) | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inlineprotectedvirtual |
HandleLeaveOperation(HivePeer peer, SendParameters sendParameters, LeaveRequest leaveOperation) | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inlineprotectedvirtual |
HandleRaiseEventOperation(HivePeer peer, RaiseEventRequest raiseEventRequest, SendParameters sendParameters) | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inlineprotectedvirtual |
HandleRemovePeerMessage(HivePeer peer, int reason, string details) | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inlineprotectedvirtual |
HandleSetPropertiesOperation(HivePeer peer, SetPropertiesRequest request, SendParameters sendParameters) | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inlineprotectedvirtual |
HiveGame(string gameName, RoomCacheBase roomCache, IGameStateFactory gameStateFactory=null, int maxEmptyRoomTTL=0, ExtendedPoolFiber executionFiber=null) | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | inline |
HiveHostGame(GameCreateOptions gameCreateOptions) | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inline |
HttpErrorsIncrement() | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inline |
HttpForwardedOperationsLimit | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | |
HttpQueueBackedoffRequestsDecrement() | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inline |
HttpQueueBackedoffRequestsIncrement() | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inline |
HttpQueueConcurrentRequestsDecrement() | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inline |
HttpQueueConcurrentRequestsIncrement() | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inline |
HttpQueueErrorsIncrement() | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inline |
HttpQueueOfflineResponsesIncrement() | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inline |
HttpQueueOnlineQueueCounterDecrement() | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inline |
HttpQueueOnlineQueueCounterIncrement() | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inline |
HttpQueueQueuedRequestsDecrement() | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inline |
HttpQueueQueuedRequestsIncrement() | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inline |
HttpQueueRequestsIncrement() | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inline |
HttpQueueResponsesIncrement() | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inline |
HttpQueueSuccessIncrement() | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inline |
HttpQueueTimeoutIncrement() | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inline |
HttpRequestExecuteTimeIncrement(long ticks) | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inline |
HttpRequestIncrement() | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inline |
HttpResponseIncrement() | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inline |
HttpSuccessIncrement() | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inline |
HttpTimeoutIncrement() | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inline |
InactiveActors | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | protected |
InitPlugin(string pluginName) | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inlineprotected |
IsDisposed | Photon.Hive.Room | |
IsFinished | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | protected |
IsOpen | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | |
IsPersistent | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | |
IsSuspended | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | |
IsSyspended | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | |
IsVisible | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | |
JoinApplyGameStateChanges(HivePeer peer, JoinGameRequest joinRequest, SendParameters sendParameters, out Actor actor) | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | inlineprotected |
JoinFailureHandler(byte leaveReason, HivePeer peer, JoinGameRequest request) | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inlineprotectedvirtual |
JoinSendResponseAndEvents(HivePeer peer, JoinGameRequest joinRequest, SendParameters sendParameters, Actor actor, ProcessJoinParams prms) | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | inlineprotected |
LeaveOperationHandler(HivePeer peer, SendParameters sendParameters, LeaveRequest request) | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | inlineprotected |
LimitMaxPropertiesSizePerGame | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | |
LobbyId | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | |
LobbyProperties | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | |
LobbyType | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | |
LogOperation(HivePeer peer, OperationRequest operationRequest) | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | inlineprotected |
LogQueue | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | protected |
Photon::Hive::HiveGame.MasterClientId | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | |
Photon::Hive::Plugin::IPluginHost.MasterClientId | Photon.Hive.Plugin.IPluginHost | |
MaxEmptyRoomTTL | Photon.Hive.Room | |
MaxPlayers | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | |
Name | Photon.Hive.Room | |
OnActorBanned(Actor actor) | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inlineprotectedvirtual |
OnActorDeactivated(Actor actor) | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | inline |
OnActorGlobalBanned(Actor actor) | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inlineprotectedvirtual |
OnActorRemoved(Actor actor) | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | inline |
OnClose() | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | inlineprotectedvirtual |
OnGameFull(HivePeer peer, JoinGameRequest joinGameRequest, SendParameters sendParameters) | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | inlineprotectedvirtual |
OnGamePropertiesChanged(SetPropertiesRequest request) | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | inlineprotectedvirtual |
OnUnknownType(Type type, ref object obj) | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inline |
PlayerTTL | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | |
Plugin | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | |
PluginInstance | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | |
ProcessBeforeCloseGame(CloseRequest request) | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inlineprotectedvirtual |
ProcessBeforeJoinGame(JoinGameRequest joinRequest, SendParameters sendParameters, HivePeer peer) | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inlineprotectedvirtual |
ProcessBeforeSetProperties(HivePeer peer, SetPropertiesRequest request, SendParameters sendParameters) | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inlineprotectedvirtual |
ProcessCloseGame(object state) | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inlineprotectedvirtual |
ProcessCreateGame(HivePeer peer, JoinGameRequest joinRequest, SendParameters sendParameters) | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inlineprotectedvirtual |
ProcessJoin(Actor actor, JoinGameRequest joinRequest, SendParameters sendParameters, ProcessJoinParams prms, HivePeer peer) | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inlineprotectedvirtual |
ProcessLeaveGame(int actorNr, LeaveRequest request, SendParameters sendParameters, HivePeer peer) | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inlineprotectedvirtual |
ProcessMessage(IMessage message) | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | inlineprotectedvirtual |
ProcessRaiseEvent(HivePeer peer, RaiseEventRequest raiseEventRequest, SendParameters sendParameters, Actor actor) | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inlineprotectedvirtual |
ProcessSetProperties(HivePeer peer, bool result, string errorMsg, SetPropertiesRequest request, SendParameters sendParameters) | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inlineprotectedvirtual |
Properties | Photon.Hive.Room | |
PublishErrorInfoEvent(string errorMsg, IEnumerable< Actor > actorList, SendParameters sendParameters) | Photon.Hive.Room | inlineprotected |
PublishEvent(HiveEventBase e, Actor actor, SendParameters sendParameters) | Photon.Hive.Room | inlineprotected |
PublishEvent(HiveEventBase e, IEnumerable< Actor > actorList, SendParameters sendParameters) | Photon.Hive.Room | inlineprotected |
PublishEvent(EventData e, IEnumerable< Actor > actorList, SendParameters sendParameters) | Photon.Hive.Room | inlineprotected |
PublishResultsAndSetGameProperties(bool propertiesUpdateResult, string errorMessage, SetPropertiesRequest request, HivePeer peer, SendParameters sendParameters) | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | inlineprotected |
RaiseEventOperationHandler(HivePeer peer, RaiseEventRequest raiseEventRequest, SendParameters sendParameters, Actor actor) | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | inlineprotected |
Release() | Photon.Hive.Room | inline |
removalStartTimestamp | Photon.Hive.Room | protected |
RemoveInactiveActor(Actor actor) | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inlinevirtual |
RemovePeerFromGame(HivePeer peer, bool isComingBack) | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | inlineprotectedvirtual |
RemoveRoomPath | Photon.Hive.Room | protected |
RemoveRoomPathString | Photon.Hive.Room | protected |
RemoveState enum name | Photon.Hive.Room | protected |
RemoveTimer | Photon.Hive.Room | protected |
ResumeGame(Action resumeAction) | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inlineprotectedvirtual |
Room(string name, RoomCacheBase roomCache=null, IGameStateFactory gameStateFactory=null, int maxEmptyRoomTTL=0, ExtendedPoolFiber executionFiber=null) | Photon.Hive.Room | inline |
Room(string name, ExtendedPoolFiber executionFiber, RoomCacheBase roomCache, IGameStateFactory gameStateFactory=null, int maxEmptyRoomTTL=0) | Photon.Hive.Room | inlineprotected |
roomCache | Photon.Hive.Room | protected |
RoomCreationTS | Photon.Hive.Room | |
RoomState | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | protected |
roomState | Photon.Hive.Room | protected |
ScheduleMessage(IMessage message, int timeMs) | Photon.Hive.Room | inline |
ScheduleRoomRemoval(int roomLiveTime) | Photon.Hive.Room | inlineprotected |
SendErrorResponse(HivePeer peer, byte opCode, ErrorCode errorCode, string msg, SendParameters sendParameters, Dictionary< byte, object > errorData=null) | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | inlineprotectedvirtual |
SendErrorResponseAndDisconnect(HivePeer peer, byte opCode, ErrorCode errorCode, string msg, SendParameters sendParameters, Dictionary< byte, object > errorData=null) | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | inlineprotected |
SetGameState(Dictionary< string, object > state) | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inline |
SetNewPropertyValues(SetPropertiesRequest request, out string errorMessage) | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | inlineprotectedvirtual |
SuppressPlayerInfo | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | |
SuppressRoomEvents | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | |
SuspendGame(int timeout, Action timeoutAction) | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | inlineprotectedvirtual |
this[object key] | Photon.Hive.HiveHostGame | |
ToString() | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | inline |
TryAddPeerToGame(HivePeer peer, int actorNr, out Actor actor, out bool isNewActor, out ErrorCode errorcode, out string reason, JoinGameRequest joinRequest) | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | inlineprotectedvirtual |
TryRemoveRoomFromCache() | Photon.Hive.Room | inlineprotected |
UpdateCacheSlice(CacheOperation op, int actorNr, int? sliceIndex, out string message) | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | inlineprotected |
UpdateEventCache(int actorNr, byte eventCode, object data, byte cacheOp, out string msg) | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | inlineprotected |
UtcCreated | Photon.Hive.Room | |
ValidateAndFillSetPropertiesRequest(HivePeer peer, SetPropertiesRequest request, out string errorMsg) | Photon.Hive.HiveGame | inlineprotected |