Photon .NET Client API


Photon Turnbased is a special set of features for games that are played for days and weeks rather than minutes. The state of rooms can be persisted, so that a game can be continued by players at any time and even asynchronously.

Turnbased games are built just like realtime games with the same API. The difference is that you can store, load and continue them later on. This is achieved mostly on the server-side and a few settings per room.

Quick Start and Manuals

Documentation, manuals and samples are online on our developer pages:

Key Classes

Most games can use or extend the LoadBalancingClient class.

Your game will have to implement the IPhotonPeerListener interface to get callbacks for Operation results (OnOperationResponse), events (OnEvent) and status changes (OnStatusChanged).

The Persistence Guide in the doc pages explains what data gets stored when a room gets stored.

Additional Documentation

Read the readme_chat.txt file at least once.
Class list