Photon C++ Client API
Namespaces | Variables
LoadBalancing-cpp/inc/Enums/CustomAuthenticationType.h File Reference




static const nByte CUSTOM
 Use a custom authentication service.
static const nByte STEAM
 Authenticates users by their Steam Account. Pass L"ticket=[ticket]" to setParameters().
static const nByte FACEBOOK
 Authenticates users by their Facebook Account. Pass L"token=[token]" to setParameters().
static const nByte OCULUS
 Authenticates users by their Oculus Account. Pass L"userid=[userid]&nonce=[nonce]" to setParameters().
static const nByte PLAYSTATION_4
 Authenticates users by their PSN Account. Pass L"token=[token]&env=[env]&userName=[userName]" to setParameters().
static const nByte XBOX
 Authenticates users by their XBox Network Account. Pass the XSTS token to setData().
static const nByte VIVEPORT
 Authenticates users by their HTC Viveport Account and user token. Pass L"userToken=[userToken]" to setParameters().
static const nByte NINTENDO_SWITCH
 Authenticates users by their Nintendo Account. Pass L"token=[token]&appversion=[appversion]" to setParameters(). The appversion is optional.
static const nByte PLAYSTATION_5
 Authenticates users by their PSN Account. Pass L"token=[token]&env=[env]&userName=[userName]" to setParameters().
static const nByte EPIC
 Authenticates users by their Epic Online Services (EOS) Account. Pass L"token=[token]&ownershipToken=[ownershipToken]" to setParameters(). The ownershipToken is optional.
static const nByte FACEBOOK_GAMING
 Authenticates users by their Facebook Account. Pass L"token=[token]" to setParameters().
static const nByte NONE
 Disables custom authentication.