Photon Bolt Engine API 1.3

API Documentation

Core Classes

Class Description
Photon.Bolt.BoltRuntimeSettings The runtime settings and confugration for the current bolt simulation
Photon.Bolt.BoltConfig Configuration settings object
Photon.Bolt.BoltLauncher Utility class used to start Bolt as Server or Client
Photon.Bolt.BoltNetwork Includes most of the functions and properties
Photon.Bolt.BoltEntity A game entity within the bolt simulation
Photon.Bolt.BoltConnection The connection to a remote endpoint
Photon.Bolt.GlobalEventListener Base class for all BoltCallbacks objects
Photon.Bolt.EntityBehaviour Base class for Unity behaviours that want to access the network stack
Photon.Bolt.Command Base class that all commands inherit from
Photon.Bolt.Event Base class that all events inherit from
Photon.Bolt.IProtocolToken Describe a Protocol Token that can be used to transfer data between peers
Photon.Bolt.PooledProtocolToken Describe a Pooled Protocol Token

Bolt Matchmaking

Class Description
Photon.Bolt.Matchmaking.BoltMatchmaking Expose the main API for Matchmaking in Bolt
UdpKit.UdpSession Represents a session that can be used as starting point for a connection
UdpKit.UdpSessionFilter Used to filter only specific sessions that agree with the desired parameters

Lag Compensation Hit Check

Class Description
Photon.Bolt.LagCompensation.BoltPhysicsHits Collection of BoltPhysicsHit, result of Raycast and OverlapSphere tests
Photon.Bolt.LagCompensation.BoltPhysicsHit Describes a hit to a BoltHitbox on a BoltHitboxBody
Photon.Bolt.LagCompensation.BoltHitbox Defines one hitbox on a BoltHitboxBody
Photon.Bolt.LagCompensation.BoltHitboxBody Defines a body of hitboxes to be tracked

Bolt Class Attributes

Class Description
Photon.Bolt.BoltGlobalBehaviourAttribute Sets the network mode and scenes that a Bolt.GlobalEventListener should be run


Class Description
Photon.Bolt.Utils.BoltLog Provides logging capabilities to a variety of outputs